Hello!We would like to announce a few things regarding the tickets for this year's Castle Party.
Due to the rampant inflation and extremely high rises in everything we have to raise the price of passes available during the festival by 40 PLN to 450 PLN.
The change shouldn't affect many of you because from the statistics we can see that most of you have bought a ticket in advance.
Nevertheless, to make your life easier, for the first time in the festival's history we are introducing a park stage pass at the price of 170 PLN, which will entitle you to watch the concerts on all days (from Thursday to Sunday).
One-day tickets remain unchanged and will be available for purchase on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 170 PLN per day.
Passes for the park stage as well as one-day tickets will be available at the box office located by the park stage (we marked it on the map below) and will be available in limited quantity.
Ps. If you don't have a pass yet and you want it cheaper, you can still buy it online here > https://castleparty.com/bilety.html