
Below you will find information and conditions regarding the accreditation process for the Castle Party festival.
  1. Every journalist or photographer must be registered by the editorial office they collaborate with no later than July 1st of the given year.
  2. We do not accept applications from photographers from photo agencies, freelancers, YouTubers, etc.
  3. Accreditation is free of charge.
  4. Journalistic accreditation entitles you to access the festival grounds and festival clubs.
  5. Photo accreditation entitles you to access the festival grounds and festival clubs, as well as the moat under the stage in the main castle courtyard.
  6. With the application, please send materials confirming promotional activities for the event by the editorial office applying for accreditation.
  7. The number of available accreditations is limited, by default, we provide one accreditation per editorial office.
  8. Accreditations are first granted to media actively involved in promoting the festival (e.g., event preview series, social media posts, etc.).
  9. Information regarding the approval or rejection of the accreditation application will be sent no later than a week before the festival via email to the email addresses provided in the form.
  10. If accreditation is granted, you will receive detailed information on how to collect it, as well as any additional information on photography restrictions if applicable for that festival edition.
  11. Photos taken during concerts may only be used for the editorial purposes of the applying editorial office; they must not be sold to third parties or used for commercial purposes.
  12. After the festival, the editorial office is required to send links to galleries, reports, etc., via email ([email protected]).
  13. We reserve the right to reject applications without providing a reason.
  14. Any violations of these rules or attempts to transfer accreditation to third parties may result in immediate withdrawal of accreditation and the inability to apply for accreditation in subsequent years.
If you agree to these terms, please fill out the >> accreditation application <<