Writen at: 2016-07-10 22:41:31
Poszukuje 2 osob do na nocleg no okres Castle Party w Bolkowie. Mieszkanie jest w Rynku, 5 minut na pieszo do zamku. Mozna uzywac kuchnie i lazienke, jest ciepla woda, poduski, przezcieradla. Nie wolno palic w mieszkaniu. Trzeba zaplacic deposit 50zl od osoby, zaplate mozna zrobic paypalem albo przekazem pocztowym. Prosze sie skontaktowac na [email protected] i odpowiem na pytania. Koszt jest 50zl od osoby na noc, min 4 nocy.
I'm looking for 2 people during the Castle Party to rent out a room. The apartment is a 5 min walk away from the Castle. You can use the kitchen and toilet. Hot water, pillows and bedding are provided. No smoking in the apartment. If you'd like the apartment then a deposit of 50zl per person will be requested in advance. The deposit can be made via paypal or via insured postal delivery. Please contact me on [email protected] and I'll answer any questions. The price is 50zl per person per night, min 4 nights.
I'm looking for 2 people during the Castle Party to rent out a room. The apartment is a 5 min walk away from the Castle. You can use the kitchen and toilet. Hot water, pillows and bedding are provided. No smoking in the apartment. If you'd like the apartment then a deposit of 50zl per person will be requested in advance. The deposit can be made via paypal or via insured postal delivery. Please contact me on [email protected] and I'll answer any questions. The price is 50zl per person per night, min 4 nights.